1.
Time
flies
by
so
fast,
we're
already
halfway
through
the
year!
【年中回顾】
2.
Reflecting
on
the
past
six
months,
I'm
grateful
for
all
the
blessings
and
lessons
that
came
my
way.
【感慨万千】
3.
Nothing
is
more
fulfilling
than
looking
back
on
your
progress
and
seeing
how
far
you've
come.
【回首成长路】
4.
Here's
to
the
second
half
of
the
year
–
let's
make
it
count!
【加油鸭!
】
5.
As
we
reach
the
halfway
mark,
remember
to
take
some
time
to
rest
and
recharge.
【半年总结】
6.
Cheers
to
the
first
half
of
the
year
–
let's
take
the
lessons
we've
learned
and
make
the
most
of
the
rest
of
it.
【回首不舍】
7.
Another
six
months
to
accomplish
our
goals
and
dreams
–
let's
go
get
'em!
【激情满满】
8.
It's
never
too
late
to
start
over
or
make
a
change
–
seize
the
opportunity
today.
【迟暮之年之后,真的为时已晚吗?】
9.
Even
though
life
can
be
unpredictable,
we
just
have
to
keep
moving
forward
and
trust
that
everything
happens
for
a
reason.
【相信命运安排】
10.
Take
a
deep
breath
and
remind
yourself
that
you're
capable
of
achieving
anything
you
set
your
mind
to.
【轻松开局】
11.
Don't
stress
about
the
things
you
can't
control
–
focus
on
what
you
can
do
to
make
a
difference.
【抛开烦心事】
12.
In
the
grand
scheme
of
things,
six
months
is
just
a
blink
of
an
eye
–
make
every
moment
count.
【时光荏苒,珍惜每分每秒】
13.
Looking
back,
realize
that
some
of
my
best
memories
were
made
in
the
first
half
of
this
year.
【美好回忆】
14.
The
best
thing
about
the
midpoint
of
the
year?
It's
a
chance
to
start
fresh
and
make
new
resolutions.
【新的计划,新的自己】
15.
Remember
to
celebrate
the
small
victories,
as
they're
just
as
important
as
the
big
ones.
【吃瓜小苹果也很棒】
16.
The
second
half
of
the
year
is
a
blank
canvas
–
what
kind
of
masterpiece
will
you
create?
【自己的广阔天地】
17.
As
we
hit
the
halfway
point,
don't
forget
to
check
in
on
your
loved
ones
and
show
them
how
much
you
care.
【重要的人们】
18.
The
key
to
success?
Consistency,
hard
work,
and
a
positive
attitude.
Keep
pushing
forward!
【艰辛缺一不可】
19.
Don't
be
afraid
to
step
out
of
your
comfort
zone
and
try
something
new.
You
never
know
where
it
might
take
you.
【放飞梦想】
20.
Here's
to
another
six
months
of
growth,
laughter,
and
making
unforgettable
memories.
Cheers!
【精彩的下半年】