1.
"Life
is
too
short
to
be
trapped
by
the
influence
of
in-laws.
Choose
to
live
on
your
own
terms.
"
【生活短暂,不要被婆家的影响所困扰】
2.
"The
key
to
happiness
is
to
set
boundaries
and
not
let
others
dictate
your
life
decisions.
"
【快乐的关键是设定界限,不要让别人左右你的生活决策】
3.
"Don't
sacrifice
your
peace
of
mind
just
to
please
your
in-laws.
Your
mental
well-being
is
just
as
important.
"
【不要为了取悦婆家而牺牲你的心灵平静,你的精神健康同样重要】
4.
"It
is
your
life,
your
choices,
and
your
happiness.
Don't
let
anyone
take
that
away
from
you.
"
【这是你的人生,你的选择和幸福,不要让任何人夺走它】
5.
"Respect
and
love
your
in-laws,
but
never
forget
that
your
own
happiness
should
always
come
first.
"
【尊重和爱你的婆家,但永远不要忘记你自己的幸福应该放在第一位】
6.
"Being
true
to
yourself
is
the
ultimate
form
of
self-care.
Don't
let
anyone
make
you
doubt
your
worth.
"
【做真实的自己是最终的自我呵护方式,不要让任何人让你怀疑自己的价值】
7.
"If
your
in-laws
try
to
control
you,
remember
that
you
have
the
power
to
choose
your
response.
"
【如果你的婆家试图控制你,记住你有选择应对的权利】
8.
"Surround
yourself
with
positive
energy
and
people
who
lift
you
up,
not
bring
you
down.
"
【让自己周围充满积极的能量和让你向上的人,而不是让你垂头丧气的人】
9.
"Never
let
anyone
make
you
feel
guilty
for
prioritizing
your
own
needs
and
well-being.
"
【永远不要让任何人让你为优先考虑自己的需求和健康感到内疚】
10.
"You
are
not
responsible
for
the
happiness
of
your
in-laws.
Focus
on
your
own
happiness
first.
"
【你不负责你婆家的幸福,先关注自己的幸福】
11.
"If
your
in-laws
don't
respect
your
choices,
it
is
not
your
problem.
Stay
true
to
yourself.
"
【如果你的婆家不尊重你的选择,那不是你的问题,保持真实】
12.
"Distance
yourself
from
negativity
and
drama.
Your
mental
health
deserves
peace.
"
【远离负面和戏剧,你的心理健康值得平静】
13.
"Be
confident
in
your
own
decisions.
Trust
yourself
and
your
judgment.
"
【对你自己的决定要有信心,相信你自己和你的判断力】
14.
"Your
in-laws
are
important,
but
they
should
not
have
control
over
your
life.
Take
charge
of
your
own
destiny.
"
【你的婆家很重要,但不应该控制你的生活,掌握你自己的命运】
15.
"Don't
let
anyone
dim
your
light.
Shine
bright
and
live
the
life
you
want.
"
【不要让任何人熄灭你的光芒,闪耀并过上你想要的生活】
16.
"Surround
yourself
with
love,
support,
and
positivity.
Your
well-being
depends
on
it.
"
【让你周围充满爱、支持和积极性,你的福祉就取决于这点】
17.
"Your
in-laws
are
not
your
parents.
Remember
that
you
have
the
power
to
set
limits
and
boundaries.
"
【你的婆家不是你父母,记住你有权力设定限制和界限】
18.
"No
one
can
make
you
feel
inferior
without
your
consent.
Believe
in
yourself
and
your
worth.
"
【没有人可以在你不知情的情况下让你感到自卑,相信你自己和你的价值】
19.
"You
are
the
pilot
of
your
own
life.
Don't
let
anyone
else
take
the
reins.
"
【你是你自己人生的飞行员,不要让任何人掌握大权】
20.
"It's
okay
to
say
no
and
prioritize
your
own
needs.
Your
in-laws
will
learn
to
respect
your
choices.
"
【拒绝并优先考虑你自己的需求是可以的,你的婆家会学会尊重你的选择】