1.
"We
loved
with
a
love
that
was
more
than
love.
"
–
Edgar
Allan
Poe】
2.
"Sometimes
you
have
to
forget
what
you
feel
and
remember
what
you
deserve.
"
–
Unknown】
3.
"The
course
of
true
love
never
did
run
smooth.
"
–
William
Shakespeare】
4.
"I
miss
you.
Not
in
a
cheesy
'Let's
hold
hands
and
be
together
forever
kind
of
way'.
just
miss
you,
plain
and
simple.
"
–
Unknown】
5.
"Love
means
never
having
to
say
you're
sorry.
"
–
Erich
Segal】
6.
"Sometimes
wonder
if
love
is
worth
fighting
for,
but
then
remember
your
face
and
I'm
ready
for
war.
"
–
Unknown】
7.
"I
think
the
saddest
people
always
try
their
hardest
to
make
people
happy
because
they
know
what
it's
like
to
feel
absolutely
worthless
and
they
don't
want
anyone
else
to
feel
like
that.
"
–
Robin
Williams】
8.
"If
you
love
something,
set
it
free.
If
it
comes
back,
it's
yours.
If
it
doesn't,
it
was
never
meant
to
be.
"
–
Unknown】
9.
"A
heartbreak
is
a
blessing
from
God.
It's
just
his
way
of
letting
you
realize
he
saved
you
from
the
wrong
one.
"
–
Unknown】
10.
"Love
is
not
a
feeling
of
happiness.
Love
is
a
willingness
to
sacrifice.
"
–
Unknown】
11.
"The
greatest
thing
you'll
ever
learn
is
just
to
love
and
be
loved
in
return.
"
–
Moulin
Rouge】
12.
"The
worst
feeling
in
the
world
is
not
being
lonely,
it's
being
forgotten
by
someone
you
would
never
forget.
"
–
Unknown】
13.
"I
hope
you
find
someone
who
knows
how
to
love
you
when
you
are
sad.
"
–
Unknown】
14.
"It's
not
about
what
happened
in
the
past,
or
what
you
think
might
happen
in
the
future.
It's
about
the
ride,
for
crying
out
loud.
The
moment-to-moment,
the
heartbeat-by-heartbeat,
it's
about
the
moments
that
take
your
breath
away.
"
–
Hitch】
15.
"The
hardest
thing
about
love
is
letting
go
of
the
ones
that
you
want
to
keep
forever.
"
–
Unknown】
16.
"I
have
waited
for
this
opportunity
for
more
than
half
a
century,
to
repeat
to
you
once
again
my
vow
of
eternal
fidelity
and
everlasting
love.
"
–
Love
Story】
17.
"I'm
not
crying
because
of
you;
you're
not
worth
it.
I'm
crying
because
my
delusion
of
who
you
were
was
shattered
by
the
truth
of
who
you
are.
"
–
Unknown】
18.
"If
had
a
flower
for
every
time
thought
of
you.
.
.
could
walk
through
my
garden
forever.
"
–
Alfred
Tennyson】
19.
"Love
is
not
about
how
much
you
say
'I
love
you,'
but
how
much
you
can
prove
that
it's
true.
"
–
Unknown】
20.
"It's
easy
to
fall
in
love.
The
hard
part
is
finding
someone
to
catch
you.
"
–
Unknown】