1.
“Without
hardships,
life
would
be
like
a
ship
with
no
waves
-
standing
still
and
going
nowhere.
”
【思索人生】
2.
“Difficulties
are
the
dark
clouds
that
unveil
the
brilliance
of
the
sun
as
it
pierces
through.
”
【启示光芒】
3.
“The
bitter
taste
of
failure
can
bring
about
the
sweet
success
of
victory.
”
【艰难铸就胜利】
4.
“In
times
of
trouble,
we
discover
the
strength
that
we
never
knew
we
had.
”
【力量源于困境】
5.
“The
diamond
cannot
be
polished
without
friction,
nor
the
person
perfected
without
trials.
”
【经历锤炼】
6.
“Adversity
is
the
teacher
that
shows
us
the
way
to
a
stronger
and
better
version
of
ourselves.
”
【挫折自我提升】
7.
“There
is
no
rainbow
without
the
rainstorm
that
precedes
it.
”
【彩虹的背后】
8.
“Smooth
sailing
may
be
comfortable,
but
it
is
the
tempest
that
forges
a
seasoned
sailor.
”
【锤炼航海家】
9.
“Challenges
are
not
obstacles,
they
are
stepping
stones
to
greatness.
”
【挑战铁石心肠】
10.
“Opportunity
often
comes
disguised
as
a
challenge
or
a
problem.
”
【机会伪装成难题】
11.
“The
greatest
victories
are
earned
through
the
toughest
battles.
”
【最伟大的胜利】
12.
“The
world
would
be
a
dull
place
without
the
excitement
and
adventure
of
overcoming
obstacles.
”
【冒险成就人生】
13.
“In
times
of
ease,
we
forget
our
potential.
In
times
of
difficulty,
we
discover
it.
”
【逆境启示】
14.
“The
pain
of
today
is
the
strength
of
tomorrow,
if
it
is
endured
with
resilience
and
determination.
”
【今日痛苦明日力】
15.
“Smooth
seas
never
made
a
skilled
sailor.
”
【磨难铸就航海家】
16.
“Courage
is
not
the
absence
of
fear,
it
is
the
ability
to
overcome
it.
”
【勇气战胜恐惧】
17.
“The
darkest
night
may
hold
the
brightest
stars.
”
【星辰璀璨黑夜长】
18.
“Adversity
introduces
a
man
to
himself.
”
【困境领悟自我】
19.
“Without
the
rain,
there
would
be
no
growth.
”
【雨水滋润成长】
20.
“Every
challenge
is
an
opportunity
to
learn
and
grow.
”
【挑战成长机会】