1.
“I
don’t
need
likes
to
feel
validated
or
important
”
【自信】
2.
“Social
media
is
not
a
competition,
it’s
a
platform
for
sharing”
【分享】
3.
“I’d
rather
have
genuine
friends
than
a
large
following”
【真诚】
4.
“There’s
more
to
life
than
likes
and
followers”
【价值观】
5.
“Why
let
a
virtual
world
control
your
real
emotions?”
【自我控制】
6.
“Quality
over
quantity,
always”
【质量】
7.
“The
real
relationships
in
our
lives
are
not
determined
by
a
‘friend’
button”【现实支持】
8.
“I
choose
to
focus
on
my
real-life
experiences,
not
my
Instagram”
【珍惜当下】
9.
“Don’t
let
social
media
consume
your
life”
【平衡】
10.
“I’d
rather
have
a
small
group
of
loyal
followers
than
a
bunch
of
fake
ones”【真实】
11.
“Social
media
is
not
the
measure
of
your
worth”
【自我价值】
12.
“There’s
so
much
more
to
me
than
what
can
fit
in
a
square
photo”
【多元化】
13.
“Real
life
is
where
the
magic
happens,
not
in
a
perfectly
curated
feed”
【真正幸福】
14.
“I
don’t
prioritize
my
online
persona
over
my
offline
connections”
【珍惜人际关系】
15.
“Likes
and
followers
do
not
define
my
success”
【成功】
16.
“I
am
more
than
just
my
online
presence”
【多元发展】
17.
“I
don’t
need
to
prove
my
worth
to
anyone,
including
myself”
【自我认知】
18.
“Validation
should
come
from
within,
not
from
the
opinions
of
strangers”
【自我肯定】
19.
“I
refuse
to
compare
my
real
life
to
someone
else’s
highlight
reel”
【理性思考】
20.
“I’d
rather
spend
my
time
making
memories
than
perfecting
my
feed”
【感恩当下】