1.
"Excuse
me,
do
you
have
any
change?"
【Request
for
Assistance】
2.
"Could
you
please
help
me
carry
this
bag?"
【Asking
for
a
Favor】
3.
"Hello,
can
you
recommend
a
good
restaurant
nearby?"
【Seeking
Recommendations】
4.
"Sorry,
didn't
mean
to
bump
into
you!"
【Apologizing
for
Accidents】
5.
"Do
you
know
how
to
get
to
the
nearest
gas
station?"
【Asking
for
Directions】
6.
"Would
you
mind
holding
this
door
open
for
me?"
【Asking
for
Assistance】
7.
"Thanks
for
letting
me
go
ahead
of
you
in
line"
【Expressing
Gratitude】
8.
"Excuse
me,
is
anyone
sitting
here?"
【Asking
for
a
Seat】
9.
"Could
you
please
help
me
find
my
lost
phone?"
【Asking
for
Help】
10.
"I'm
sorry,
don't
think
caught
your
name.
"
【Introductions】
11.
"Hey,
do
you
know
if
the
bus
has
arrived
yet?"
【Asking
for
Information】
12.
"I'm
sorry
to
bother
you,
but
do
you
have
a
moment
to
spare?"
【Asking
for
Time】
13.
"Thanks
for
being
patient
with
my
questions.
"
【Expressing
Gratitude】
14.
"Can
you
lend
me
a
hand
with
this
project?"
【Asking
for
Help】
15.
"I
appreciate
your
honesty
and
straightforwardness.
"
【Expressing
Gratitude】
16.
"Excuse
me,
could
you
please
repeat
that?"
【Asking
for
Clarification】
17.
"Would
you
mind
taking
a
look
at
this
and
giving
me
your
opinion?"
【Asking
for
Feedback】
18.
"Thanks
for
alerting
me
to
my
mistake.
"
【Expressing
Gratitude】
19.
"Sorry
to
bother
you,
but
could
you
please
turn
down
your
music
a
bit?"
【Request
for
Assistance】
20.
"I
was
wondering
if
you
knew
of
any
job
openings
around
here?"
【Asking
for
Information】