1.
Hello,
how
are
you
today?
【问候语】
2.
Excuse
me,
could
you
help
me
find
this
item?
【请求帮助】
3.
Thank
you
so
much,
you're
a
lifesaver!
【感激之情】
4.
I'm
sorry,
didn't
mean
to
offend
you.
【道歉】
5.
Can
offer
you
a
drink?
【邀约】
6.
That's
a
great
idea,
let's
do
it!
【表示同意】
7.
Could
you
please
repeat
that
again?
【请再说一遍】
8.
I'm
really
looking
forward
to
spending
time
with
you.
【表达期待】
9.
I'm
sorry,
can't
make
it
to
the
event.
【礼貌地拒绝邀请】
10.
It
was
nice
meeting
you,
hope
to
see
you
again
soon.
【离别寒暄】
11.
Would
you
mind
passing
me
the
salt,
please?
【请求服务】
12.
I'm
so
happy
for
you,
congratulations!
【祝贺】
13.
How
was
your
weekend?
【询问近况】
14.
Sorry
for
the
delay,
got
caught
up
in
traffic.
【解释原因】
15.
It's
been
a
pleasure
working
with
you.
【赞美同事】
16.
Do
you
have
any
plans
for
the
holidays?
【打开话题】
17.
Can
help
you
with
anything
else?
【询问客人】
18.
I'm
sorry
to
hear
that,
let
me
know
if
there's
anything
can
do
to
help.
【表示同情】
19.
Thank
you
for
your
time,
really
appreciate
it.
【感谢对方的时间】
20.
Take
care,
have
a
great
day!
【告别】