1.
"When
you're
far
from
home,
the
smallest
things
can
bring
the
greatest
comfort.
"
【心灵慰藉】
2.
"Living
in
a
new
place
can
be
daunting,
but
the
people
you
meet
can
make
it
feel
like
home.
"
【人情味道】
3.
"Distance
is
just
a
test
to
see
how
far
love
can
travel.
"
【距离的考验】
4.
"Being
away
from
home
allows
me
to
see
the
world
with
new
eyes.
"
【新的视角】
5.
"The
joy
of
discovery
is
amplified
when
you're
living
in
a
foreign
land.
"
【发现的喜悦】
6.
"Home
is
where
the
heart
is,
but
sometimes
it
takes
leaving
it
to
truly
appreciate
its
value.
"
【拥有才珍惜】
7.
"Leaving
home
may
be
scary,
but
the
adventure
that
awaits
is
worth
it.
"
【冒险之旅】
8.
"Different
places,
different
people,
but
the
same
emotions
that
connect
us
all.
"
【情感相通】
9.
"Experiencing
new
cultures
broadens
the
mind
and
enriches
the
soul.
"
【文化交融】
10.
"The
beauty
of
being
in
a
foreign
land
is
that
you
don't
have
to
conform
to
anyone's
expectations.
"
【追求真我】
11.
"No
matter
where
go,
carry
my
roots
with
me.
"
【根深蒂固】
12.
"A
stranger
is
just
a
friend
you
haven't
met
yet.
"
【友谊的开始】
13.
"Living
abroad
can
be
exhilarating,
but
it
also
makes
you
appreciate
the
little
things
in
life.
"
【珍惜生活的点滴】
14.
"Being
away
from
home
can
make
you
feel
lost,
but
it
also
teaches
you
how
to
find
yourself.
"
【寻找自我】
15.
"The
world
is
a
vast
and
beautiful
place,
but
it's
the
people
that
make
it
feel
like
home.
"
【人情之美】
16.
"Traveling
teaches
you
that
the
world
is
both
big
and
small
at
the
same
time.
"
【大而无边,小如一粒】
17.
"Making
a
home
away
from
home
is
an
art
form
in
itself.
"
【创造内心的港湾】
18.
"Leaving
behind
what's
familiar
can
be
scary,
but
it's
necessary
for
growth.
"
【释放自我】
19.
"Being
in
a
new
place
allows
you
to
reinvent
yourself
and
become
the
person
you've
always
wanted
to
be.
"
【重塑自我】
20.
"Home
is
where
you
feel
safe
and
loved,
but
sometimes
it
takes
being
far
away
from
it
to
realize
that.
"
【回归真正想要的生活】