1.
春风送暖,泡桐花开。
【Spring
breeze
brings
warmth,
and
the
paulownia
flowers
bloom.
】
2.
泡桐花的颜色像是从天堂传来的彩虹。
【The
color
of
the
paulownia
flowers
is
like
a
rainbow
sent
from
heaven.
】
3.
泡桐树是春天里最美的风景,给人以无尽的梦幻与浪漫。
【The
paulownia
tree
is
the
most
beautiful
scenery
in
spring,
bringing
endless
dreams
and
romance.
】
4.
泡桐花落下时,似乎带着天际的温度,如蝴蝶般飞舞。
【When
the
paulownia
flowers
fall,
they
seem
to
bring
the
temperature
of
the
sky
and
fly
like
butterflies.
】
5.
世间无限风光在,泡桐花落人自在。
【In
the
world
of
infinite
scenery,
paulownia
flowers
fall,
and
people
can
relax.
】
6.
泡桐树,站在远处,却如那匍匐在地面上的绿色雕塑。
【The
paulownia
tree
standing
in
the
distance
is
like
a
green
sculpture
lying
on
the
ground.
】
7.
泡桐花瓣洁白无瑕,配上淡雅的香气让人流连忘返。
【The
paulownia
flower
petals
are
pure
white,
and
the
elegant
fragrance
makes
people
linger.
】
8.
泡桐树下,仿佛有柔软的草地,青翠欲滴。
【Under
the
paulownia
tree,
there
seems
to
be
a
soft
grassland,
verdant
and
dripping.
】
9.
泡桐花下,的确可以看到爱情在发生。
【Under
the
paulownia
flowers,
you
can
indeed
see
love
happening.
】
10.
泡桐树,是我的窗外阳光,和温暖的小岛。
【The
paulownia
tree
is
my
sunshine
outside
the
window
and
a
warm
little
island.
】
11.
泡桐花掉落在袖子上,繁华的暮色倏然变得柔和。
【When
paulownia
flowers
fall
on
sleeves,
the
bustling
night
suddenly
becomes
soft.
】
12.
泡桐树,在晴朗干净的午后,静静回荡。
【The
paulownia
tree
echoes
quietly
on
a
sunny
and
clean
afternoon.
】
13.
泡桐花开满了枝头,沉浸在那浓郁的花香里,恍若置身世外桃源。
【The
paulownia
flowers
are
in
full
bloom
on
the
branches,
immersed
in
the
rich
fragrance,
as
if
in
a
utopia.
】
14.
泡桐树,不只是一种固若金汤的生命力,更是一份美好的期许。
【The
paulownia
tree
is
not
just
a
strong
vitality
but
also
a
beautiful
expectation.
】
15.
泡桐花和春雨交织在一起,如梦似幻。
【The
paulownia
flowers
and
spring
rain
are
intertwined,
like
a
dream.
】
16.
泡桐树下,一切都显得那么的安宁和从容。
【Under
the
paulownia
tree,
everything
appears
so
peaceful
and
calm.
】
17.
泡桐花絮,如同雪花般飘落在土地上,为大地增添美丽与生机。
【The
paulownia
flower
flakes
fall
like
snowflakes
on
the
ground,
adding
beauty
and
vitality
to
the
earth.
】
18.
泡桐树是岁月的见证,静静地记录着每一个浪漫的瞬间。
【The
paulownia
tree
is
a
witness
to
time,
quietly
recording
every
romantic
moment.
】
19.
泡桐花如同粉色的梦境,在天空中自由翻飞。
【The
paulownia
flower
is
like
a
pink
dream,
freely
flying
in
the
sky.
】
20.
泡桐树和人的爱情一样,需要用心呵护,才能茁壮成长。
【The
paulownia
tree,
like
human
love,
needs
to
be
carefully
nurtured
to
grow
strong.
】