1.
爱情不是一时的冲动,而是经得起时间的考验。
【爱情的深度不在于短暂的激情,而在于经得起时间的检验。
】
2.
当真正的爱情来临时,你怎么能不去坚守呢?【True
love
is
rare,
and
when
it
arrives,
you
should
not
let
it
go.
】
3.
在生活中,坚守爱情要比放弃爱情更艰难,但它也更能显示出你的坚强。
【In
life,
holding
onto
love
is
harder
than
letting
it
go,
but
it
also
shows
your
strength.
】
4.
爱情需要花费努力和付出,但每一个付出都是值得的。
【Love
takes
effort
and
sacrifice,
but
every
effort
is
worth
it.
】
5.
不要因为曾经痛过,就拒绝了爱情。
因为沉默不代表忘记,时间不是解决问题的唯一方法。
【Do
not
reject
love
just
because
you
have
been
hurt
before.
Silence
does
not
mean
forgetfulness,
and
time
is
not
the
only
way
to
resolve
your
problems.
】
6.
能够一起坚守的爱情,才是真正长久的。
【Love
that
can
withstand
time
is
what
lasts
forever.
】
7.
爱情不是占有,而是彼此的陪伴。
【Love
is
not
about
ownership,
but
rather
about
companionship.
】
8.
坚守爱情需要勇气,做出这种选择也需要信心。
【Holding
onto
love
requires
courage,
and
making
that
choice
requires
faith.
】
9.
真正坚守爱情的人,是不会轻易被其他事情分散注意力的。
【Those
who
truly
hold
onto
love
are
not
easily
distracted
by
other
things.
】
10.
就算身处千山万水,我们也要坚守彼此的爱情。
【Even
if
we
are
separated
by
mountains
and
rivers,
we
should
hold
onto
our
love.
】
11.
爱情需要深情的付出,而深情的付出又需要坚守不变的承诺。
【Love
requires
deep
devotion,
which
in
turn
requires
unwavering
commitment.
】
12.
只有坚守爱情,我们才能够在现实中找到彼此的避风港。
【Only
by
holding
onto
love
can
we
find
our
safe
harbor
in
reality.
】
13.
真正的爱情是一种能够让自己变得更好的力量,它需要我们坚守和保护。
【True
love
is
a
force
that
can
make
us
better,
and
it
requires
us
to
hold
onto
and
protect
it.
】
14.
爱情是一种美好的约定,要坚守这个约定需要我们相互的信任和理解。
【Love
is
a
beautiful
promise,
and
holding
onto
that
promise
requires
mutual
trust
and
understanding.
】
15.
真正的爱情需要经过风雨的洗礼,才能够更加坚实。
【True
love
can
only
become
stronger
through
the
trials
and
tribulations
it
faces.
】
16.
坚守爱情需要我们有足够的耐心和勇气,只有这样我们才能够走得更远。
【Holding
onto
love
requires
patience
and
courage,
and
it
is
only
through
these
traits
that
we
can
go
further.
】
17.
爱情需要我们相互的包容和理解,只有这样我们才能够一直坚守下去。
【Love
requires
mutual
understanding
and
acceptance,
and
it
is
only
through
these
that
we
can
hold
onto
it.
】
18.
爱情不是情调,而是生活,需要我们用自己的每一天去坚守。
【Love
is
not
a
mood,
but
rather
a
way
of
life
that
requires
us
to
hold
onto
it
every
day.
】
19.
爱情需要拥有勇气,勇气去承受一切不可预知的事情,以及意料之外的挑战。
【Love
requires
courage,
courage
to
face
the
unknown
and
unexpected
challenges.
】
20.
坚守爱情需要我们拥有坚定的信念,在逆境中不弃不离。
【Holding
onto
love
requires
a
firm
belief
and
an
unwavering
commitment,
even
in
the
face
of
adversity.
】