1.
“I'm
sorry,
but
don't
have
the
energy
to
talk
right
now.
”】
2.
“I
appreciate
your
concern,
but
I'm
just
not
feeling
up
to
it.
”】
3.
“Thanks
for
checking
in,
but
I'm
really
not
in
the
mood
for
socializing.
”】
4.
“I
wish
could
be
more
positive,
but
it's
been
a
tough
day.
”】
5.
“It's
okay,
understand
if
you
need
to
go.
I'm
not
much
company
right
now.
”】
6.
“I'll
be
fine
eventually,
just
need
some
time
to
myself.
”】
7.
“I
don't
mean
to
be
distant,
I'm
just
dealing
with
some
personal
issues
at
the
moment.
”】
8.
“I'm
not
trying
to
push
you
away,
just
need
some
space
right
now.
”】
9.
“Sorry
if
I'm
not
very
talkative,
I'm
just
feeling
a
bit
down.
”】
10.
“I'm
grateful
for
your
support,
but
need
to
work
through
this
on
my
own.
”】
11.
“It
may
seem
like
I'm
shutting
you
out,
but
promise
appreciate
your
presence.
”】
12.
“I
know
I'm
not
fun
to
be
around
right
now,
but
hope
you
can
forgive
me.
”】
13.
“I'm
struggling
a
bit,
but
I'm
trying
to
stay
positive.
”】
14.
“I'm
sorry
if
I'm
not
very
engaging,
it's
hard
to
be
upbeat
sometimes.
”】
15.
“I
don't
want
to
bring
anyone
else
down
with
me,
so
I'll
keep
to
myself
for
now.
”】
16.
“I
know
it's
not
healthy
to
isolate
myself,
but
it's
hard
to
be
social
when
I'm
feeling
this
way.
”】
17.
“I'll
get
through
this
eventually,
thank
you
for
your
patience
in
the
meantime.
”】
18.
“It
means
a
lot
that
you're
here
for
me,
even
if
I'm
not
very
talkative
right
now.
”】
19.
“I
wish
had
more
to
give
right
now,
but
all
have
is
this
tired
disposition.
”】
20.
“I'm
sorry
if
I'm
not
the
best
company,
thank
you
for
being
there
anyway.
”】