1.
"The
sound
of
the
birds
singing
at
sunrise
fills
my
heart
with
joy.
"
【喜欢在清晨听鸟儿的歌唱声】
2.
"Growing
my
own
vegetables
in
the
garden
brings
me
great
satisfaction.
"
【种自己的蔬菜让我非常满足】
3.
"Meditation
calms
my
mind
and
brings
me
inner
peace.
"
【冥想可以舒缓我的情绪,带给我内心的平静】
4.
"Teaching
young
children
about
mindfulness
and
compassion
brings
me
pure
delight.
"
【教育孩子们关于正念和慈悲带给我纯粹的喜悦】
5.
"Sipping
on
a
warm
cup
of
tea
while
gazing
out
at
the
mountains
is
pure
bliss.
"
【品着暖暖的茶,在山峦间眺望,无比的幸福】
6.
"Taking
care
of
my
temple
and
keeping
it
clean
brings
me
a
sense
of
pride.
"
【维护自己的庙宇,让它干净整洁,带给我一种骄傲感】
7.
"Walking
in
nature
with
bare
feet
is
a
simple
pleasure
that
brings
me
immense
joy.
"
【在大自然中赤脚行走,这种简单的乐趣带给我极大的快乐】
8.
"Playing
music
with
my
fellow
monks
brings
a
sense
of
camaraderie
and
harmony.
"
【和其他和尚一起演奏音乐,带给我一种团结和和谐的感觉】
9.
"Making
delicious
vegetarian
meals
for
my
fellow
monks
brings
a
sense
of
community
and
love.
"
【为同僚做美味的素食餐,带给我一种社群和爱的感觉】
10.
"Spending
time
with
the
elderly
and
hearing
their
life
stories
brings
me
wisdom
and
humility.
"
【和老年人待在一起,聆听他们的人生故事,带给我智慧和谦卑】
11.
"The
simple
act
of
sweeping
the
floors
and
tidying
up
brings
me
a
sense
of
order
and
cleanliness.
"
【简单的扫地和整理带给我一种条理和清洁的感觉】
12.
"Watching
the
stars
twinkle
in
the
sky
at
night
fills
me
with
wonder
and
awe.
"
【夜晚眺望天上闪烁的星光,让我充满了惊奇和敬畏】
13.
"Giving
back
to
the
community
through
volunteering
brings
me
a
sense
of
purpose
and
fulfillment.
"
【通过志愿服务回馈社区,带给我一种目的和成就感】
14.
"Practicing
calligraphy
and
creating
beautiful
art
brings
me
a
sense
of
creativity
and
expression.
"
【练习书法和创作美丽的艺术作品,带给我一种创造力和表达力】
15.
"Sharing
a
good
laugh
with
my
fellow
monks
and
friends
brings
me
a
sense
of
joy
and
connection.
"
【和我的和尚和朋友们分享欢声笑语,带给我一种快乐和联系的感觉】
16.
"Taking
time
to
appreciate
the
beauty
of
nature
around
me
brings
me
a
sense
of
gratitude
and
awe.
"
【花时间欣赏我周围大自然的美丽,带给我一种感激和敬畏的感觉】
17.
"Playing
traditional
games
and
sports
with
my
fellow
monks
brings
me
a
sense
of
camaraderie
and
enjoyment.
"
【和我的和尚同僚一起打传统的游戏和体育运动,带给我一种团结和享受的感觉】
18.
"Reading
and
studying
ancient
Buddhist
texts
brings
me
a
sense
of
learning
and
wisdom.
"
【阅读和学习古老的佛教文献,带给我一种学习和智慧的感觉】
19.
"Taking
care
of
the
temple
garden
and
watering
the
plants
brings
me
a
sense
of
nurturing
and
growth.
"
【照顾庙宇花园并浇水养花,带给我一种培育和成长的感觉】
20.
"Sipping
on
a
cup
of
warm
soup
while
listening
to
the
rain
brings
me
a
sense
of
comfort
and
stillness.
"
【品着暖暖的汤,在听雨的声音中,带给我一种舒适和宁静的感觉】