1.
"Sipping
away
my
worries,
one
pill
at
a
time"【药片一粒,烦恼全消】
2.
"Medicinal
magic
in
a
glass"
【一杯魔法药,满身轻松】
3.
"Drowning
my
sorrows
in
prescription
bliss"
【处方的甜蜜,把忧伤融化】
4.
"Feeling
better,
one
swallow
at
a
time"
【生命不息,药杯不止】
5.
"The
cure
for
a
bad
day
in
a
bottle"
【棕瓶妙方,坏日子不留】
6.
"The
healing
power
of
modern
medicine"
【现代药力,疾病战胜】
7.
"Doctor's
orders:
Drink
up!"
【医生叮嘱:乖乖喝药】
8.
"A
little
pill,
a
lot
of
relief"
【一颗口服片,放松尽在其中】
9.
"Soothing
my
soul
with
medicine"
【药物舒缓,精神恢复】
10.
"Chugging
my
way
to
a
healthy
tomorrow"
【进饮药水,健康更长久】
11.
"Putting
my
trust
in
science
and
medicine"
【相信科学药理,健康从我开始】
12.
"The
bitter
taste
of
wellness"
【苦尽甘来的健康】
13.
"Heeding
the
call
of
my
medicine
cabinet"
【听从药柜召唤,告别不适】
14.
"Taking
my
health
into
my
own
hands"
【手握健康本源,自信有余】
15.
"From
illness
to
wellness,
one
pill
at
a
time"
【瑟瑟发抖到健康,一粒一粒地药】
16.
"The
power
of
pharmaceuticals"
【药力爆发,健康呼之欲出】
17.
"The
side-effect
of
happiness"
【幸福的副作用,是健康的呈现】
18.
"A
little
dose
of
relief"
【缓解最需要,药力不容忽视】
19.
"Medicine
for
the
mind,
body,
and
soul"
【灵魂的药物,恢复身心健康】
20.
"Cheers
to
a
healthier
me"
【干杯,健康的未来等着我】