1.
Farewell
to
my
son
as
he
embarks
on
a
new
journey.
【#母子再见#】
2.
It's
hard
to
say
goodbye,
but
I'm
proud
of
the
man
you've
become.
【#母子分别#】
3.
Goodbyes
are
not
forever,
but
they
still
sting
a
little.
【#感伤告别#】
4.
My
heart
is
heavy
as
watch
you
leave,
but
know
you'll
do
great
things.
【#心痛分离#】
5.
It's
bittersweet
to
see
you
go,
but
I'll
always
be
your
biggest
fan.
【#喜忧参半#】
6.
Watching
you
grow
up
has
been
the
greatest
joy
of
my
life.
【#见证成长#】
7.
Saying
goodbye
is
never
easy,
but
it's
a
necessary
part
of
life.
【#必经之路#】
8.
You
may
be
leaving,
but
you'll
always
have
a
home
with
me.
【#永远的家#】
9.
It's
time
for
you
to
spread
your
wings
and
fly.
【#放飞梦想#】
10.
I'll
miss
your
laughter
and
your
hugs,
but
know
they'll
be
worth
the
wait.
【#思念相伴#】
11.
It's
hard
to
imagine
life
without
you,
but
I'm
excited
to
see
where
you'll
go.
【#留恋告别#】
12.
You'll
always
be
my
little
boy,
no
matter
how
far
away
you
are.
【#永远的孩子#】
13.
Watching
you
grow
up
has
been
like
watching
a
beautiful
flower
bloom.
【#鲜花般的成长#】
14.
I'll
miss
your
smile
and
your
silly
jokes,
but
know
you'll
make
new
friends.
【#开心的秋日#】
15.
You're
capable
of
anything
you
set
your
mind
to.
【#无所不能#】
16.
It's
never
easy
to
part
ways,
but
life
is
full
of
adventures.
【#别离的决定#】
17.
You've
made
me
proud
every
day
of
your
life.
【#骄傲之情#】
18.
The
road
ahead
may
be
scary,
but
believe
in
you.
【#怀有信念#】
19.
The
hardest
goodbyes
are
often
the
ones
that
bring
us
closer.
【#心连心#】
20.
This
may
be
goodbye
for
now,
but
know
we'll
see
each
other
again.
【#临别殷殷#】