1.
“Friends
don’t
let
friends
make
bad
decisions.
”】
2.
“Sometimes
it’s
better
to
be
just
friends
than
lovers.
”】
3.
“The
best
friendships
are
the
ones
that
can
survive
distance.
”】
4.
“Being
friends
with
someone
means
being
there
for
them
through
it
all.
”】
5.
“No
matter
how
long
we
go
without
talking,
true
friends
always
pick
up
where
they
left
off.
”】
6.
“Friendship
is
about
quality,
not
quantity.
”】
7.
“A
true
friend
will
always
tell
you
the
truth,
even
if
it
hurts.
”】
8.
“Friends
don’t
have
to
agree
on
everything,
but
they
do
have
to
respect
each
other’s
views.
”】
9.
“A
friend
is
someone
who
understands
your
past,
believes
in
your
future,
and
accepts
you
today
just
the
way
you
are.
”】
10.
“In
life,
it’s
not
about
who
you
know,
but
who
you
have
as
friends.
”】
11.
“True
friendship
is
accepting
each
other’s
flaws
and
loving
each
other
anyway.
”】
12.
“Sometimes
the
greatest
gift
you
can
give
a
friend
is
your
time
and
attention.
”】
13.
“Good
friends
are
like
stars,
you
don’t
always
see
them
but
you
know
they’re
always
there.
”】
14.
“The
best
part
of
having
a
friend
is
being
a
friend.
”】
15.
“A
friend
is
the
one
person
who
will
always
have
your
back,
no
matter
what.
”】
16.
“True
friendship
is
not
about
being
inseparable,
it’s
about
being
separated
and
nothing
changes.
”】
17.
“Having
someone
to
share
your
laughter
and
tears
with
is
the
best
kind
of
friendship.
”】
18.
“A
true
friend
is
someone
who
walks
in
when
the
rest
of
the
world
walks
out.
”】
19.
“Friendship
isn’t
about
being
perfect,
it’s
about
being
there
for
each
other
in
times
of
imperfection.
”】
20.
“It’s
amazing
how
two
people
who
are
just
friends
can
have
such
a
powerful
bond.
”】