1.
"Sorry,
but
prefer
to
keep
my
pictures
to
myself
and
not
share
them
on
social
media.
"
【拒绝自拍】
2.
"I
think
it's
important
to
have
some
privacy
and
not
constantly
expose
ourselves
online.
"
【隐私重要】
3.
"I
would
rather
focus
on
the
things
that
really
matter
in
life
than
obsess
over
taking
and
posting
selfies.
"
【专注生活】
4.
"To
be
honest,
don't
see
the
appeal
in
sharing
so
many
pictures
of
myself
with
others.
"
【自信不需要炫耀】
5.
"As
much
as
appreciate
your
interest
in
my
life,
don't
feel
comfortable
posting
photos
of
myself
online.
"
【不舒服】
6.
"I
find
that
constantly
taking
selfies
and
posting
them
takes
away
from
the
experience
of
actually
living
in
the
moment.
"
【活在当下】
7.
"I
don't
think
we
need
to
constantly
seek
validation
from
others
through
social
media
likes
and
comments.
"
【不需要验证】
8.
"I
prefer
to
have
more
control
over
what
share
online
and
how
present
myself
to
others.
"
【自我控制】
9.
"Posting
selfies
can
make
us
vulnerable
to
online
harassment
and
cyberbullying,
which
is
not
something
want
to
risk.
"
【避免骚扰】
10.
"I
think
it's
important
to
set
boundaries
for
ourselves
and
not
feel
pressured
to
conform
to
the
norms
of
social
media.
"
【自觉规划】
11.
"Posting
selfies
can
also
contribute
to
a
shallow
and
superficial
culture
that
values
appearance
over
substance.
"
【注重内在】
12.
"I
would
rather
connect
with
others
on
a
deeper
level
through
meaningful
conversations
and
experiences
than
through
superficial
social
media
posts.
"
【懂得深度】
13.
"I
believe
that
real
friendships
are
built
on
trust,
respect,
and
genuine
connection,
not
on
superficial
appearances.
"
【建立真正友谊】
14.
"I
think
we
should
learn
to
value
and
appreciate
ourselves
for
who
we
are,
not
for
how
many
likes
we
can
get
on
social
media.
"
【珍惜自我】
15.
"Posting
selfies
can
also
contribute
to
a
culture
of
comparison
and
competition
that
can
be
harmful
to
our
mental
health
and
self-esteem.
"
【有害于心理】
16.
"I
would
rather
focus
on
cultivating
self-love
and
confidence
from
within,
rather
than
relying
on
external
validation
from
others.
"
【自我肯定】
17.
"I
think
it's
important
to
be
authentic
and
true
to
ourselves,
rather
than
constantly
performing
for
the
approval
of
others.
"
【做真实的自己】
18.
"Posting
selfies
can
also
be
seen
as
a
form
of
narcissism
and
self-indulgence,
which
is
not
something
want
to
be
associated
with.
"
【避免浮躁】
19.
"I
would
rather
invest
my
time
and
energy
into
things
that
truly
bring
me
joy
and
fulfillment,
rather
than
seeking
temporary
validation
through
social
media.
"
【寻找真正带来快乐与充实的事情】
20.
"I
hope
you
can
understand
and
respect
my
decision
not
to
post
selfies
on
social
media,
as
it
is
a
personal
choice
that
have
made
for
myself.
"
【个人决定】