1.
She
said
yes!
can't
wait
to
spend
the
rest
of
my
life
with
my
best
friend
and
soulmate.
【订婚幸福】
2.
Love
is
in
the
air!
I'm
so
excited
to
announce
that
we're
officially
engaged!【爱情订婚】
3.
I've
found
the
one
want
to
spend
forever
with.
Here's
to
happily
ever
after!【找到真爱】
4.
The
moment
I've
been
waiting
for
finally
happened!
Can't
wait
to
build
a
future
together
with
the
love
of
my
life.
【订婚来袭】
5.
I've
never
been
so
sure
of
anything
in
my
life!
I'm
thrilled
to
be
spending
forever
with
my
partner
in
crime.
【毕生挚爱】
6.
She
said
yes
and
couldn't
be
happier!
My
heart
is
overflowing
with
love
and
joy.
【终身伴侣】
7.
It's
official
-
we're
engaged!
Looking
forward
to
building
a
lifetime
of
memories
with
my
better
half.
【美好未来】
8.
can't
believe
get
to
spend
the
rest
of
my
life
with
my
best
friend
and
soulmate.
Truly
blessed
and
grateful
for
this
moment.
【恋爱成果】
9.
The
happiest
moment
of
my
life
just
happened
-
I'm
engaged
to
the
love
of
my
life!【人生大幸福】
10.
get
to
wake
up
every
morning
knowing
that
I'm
going
to
spend
forever
with
my
person.
Feeling
grateful
beyond
words.
【心中所爱】
11.
My
heart
is
bursting
with
love
and
excitement
-
we're
getting
married!
Can't
wait
to
start
this
next
chapter
of
our
lives
together.
【月老姻缘】
12.
finally
get
to
marry
my
best
friend
and
soulmate!
Couldn't
be
more
excited
for
our
future
together.
【人生最美】
13.
Saying
yes
to
forever
with
the
love
of
my
life
was
the
easiest
decision
I've
ever
made.
So
thankful
for
this
happiness.
【心心相印】
14.
I'm
engaged
to
the
one
who
makes
my
heart
skip
a
beat.
Love
you
to
the
moon
and
back,
always
and
forever.
【我心所属】
15.
feel
like
the
luckiest
person
in
the
world
knowing
get
to
spend
the
rest
of
my
life
with
my
soulmate.
【终身伴侣】
16.
From
that
first
date
to
this
moment,
there's
never
been
anyone
but
you.
Excited
to
start
this
journey
of
forever
with
you.
【注定在一起】
17.
Knowing
get
to
wake
up
next
to
my
best
friend
and
partner
in
crime
every
day
for
the
rest
of
my
life
is
the
greatest
gift
could
ever
receive.
【说定了】
18.
Here's
to
a
lifetime
of
love,
laughter,
and
happily
ever
afters.
Let
the
wedding
planning
begin!【美好未来】
19.
Feeling
truly
blessed
to
have
found
my
person
and
get
to
spend
forever
with
them.
Words
can't
express
how
happy
am.
【喜结良缘】
20.
I'm
so
excited
to
start
this
new
chapter
of
my
life
with
the
person
who
makes
my
heart
so
full.
Cheers
to
love
and
forever!【从此相伴】