1.
Love
is
like
a
fart,
if
you
have
to
force
it,
it's
probably
crap.
【笑点趣味】
2.
Love
is
a
two-way
street,
but
always
seem
to
end
up
going
the
wrong
way.
【挺逗的表达】
3.
Love
is
blind,
but
marriage
is
a
real
eye-opener.
【深奥的真相】
4.
think
my
husband
is
in
love
with
my
cooking…or
maybe
it’s
just
that
I’m
the
only
one
who
feeds
him.
【感觉很自豪】
5.
Love
is
sharing
your
popcorn.
Marriage
is
eating
it
all
before
the
movie
even
starts.
【只挑两个】
6.
Love
is
when
your
wife
lets
you
use
the
remote
control.
Marriage
is
when
she
has
it
hidden
under
the
couch
cushions.
【只挑两个】
7.
Love
is
having
someone
to
cuddle
with
on
a
cold
night.
Marriage
is
fighting
over
the
blankets.
【结合现实情况】
8.
If
you
want
to
know
what
true
love
is,
just
look
at
the
way
your
dog
looks
at
you
when
you’re
eating.
【很暖心】
9.
Love
is
when
you
don't
want
to
go
to
sleep
because
reality
is
better
than
your
dreams.
Marriage
is
when
you
can't
sleep
because
your
spouse
is
snoring
too
loudly.
【挺形象的比喻】
10.
Love
is
a
game,
and
marriage
is
a
whole
new
level.
level
where
you
can’t
just
hit
reset
and
start
over.
【调侃现实】
11.
Love
is
like
a
fart,
if
you
have
to
force
it,
it's
probably
crap.
【笑点趣味】
12.
The
best
thing
about
being
married
is
having
someone
to
share
your
life
with.
The
worst
thing
is
having
someone
to
share
your
life
with.
【现实一面】
13.
Marriage
is
like
a
deck
of
cards.
In
the
beginning,
all
you
need
is
two
hearts
and
a
diamond.
By
the
end,
you
wish
you
had
a
club
and
a
spade.
【幽默比喻】
14.
Love
is
when
someone
knows
all
of
your
flaws
and
still
loves
you
anyway.
Marriage
is
when
they
point
them
out
and
offer
suggestions
for
improvement.
【挺现实】
15.
Love
is
like
a
puzzle,
and
marriage
is
the
picture
on
the
box
that
helps
you
put
it
together.
【有哲理的说法】
16.
Marriage
is
a
relationship
where
one
person
is
always
right,
and
the
other
person
is
the
husband.
【经典的婚姻笑话】
17.
Love
is
unconditional.
Marriage
is
conditional
on
being
able
to
listen
to
each
other
snore
every
night.
【搞笑的反差】
18.
Love
is
like
a
fine
wine.
It
takes
time,
effort,
and
patience
to
reach
its
full
potential.
Marriage
is
like
box
wine.
It’s
okay,
but
you’ll
settle
for
it
when
you
can’t
afford
better.
【幽默的反差】
19.
Love
is
telling
someone
they
look
beautiful
even
when
they’re
wearing
sweatpants.
Marriage
is
telling
them
to
change
because
you’re
both
going
out
in
public.
【挺实在】
20.
Love
is
when
you
can’t
imagine
life
without
the
person
you’re
with.
Marriage
is
when
you
wish
you
could
imagine
life
without
the
person
you’re
with.
【现实与幻想的转换】