1.
"Time
may
pass,
but
the
memories
we
create
will
last
a
lifetime.
"
【相聚之后,心中的回忆会伴随我们一生】
2.
"Distance
means
so
little
when
someone
means
so
much.
"
【有人深入心扉,即使远隔天涯亦不觉距离】
3.
"The
joy
of
reunion
is
the
best
gift
life
can
give
us.
"
【相聚的喜悦是生命赠予我们最好的礼物】
4.
"With
each
passing
day,
our
reunion
draws
nearer
and
my
heart
fills
with
anticipation.
"
【日子一天天过去,相聚的日子越来越近,此时此刻心中充满期待】
5.
"True
friendships
are
never
diminished
by
time
or
distance,
but
grow
stronger
as
we
share
new
experiences.
"
【真正的友谊经历时间和距离的考验,而共同的经历则让它更加坚固】
6.
"No
matter
where
life
takes
us,
the
bonds
of
friendship
will
always
bring
us
back
together.
"
【无论生命的旅途带我们到何处,友谊的纽带将永远把我们带在一起】
7.
"As
we
reunite,
let
us
embrace
the
present
moment
and
cherish
every
second
we
have
together.
"
【在相聚的时刻,拥抱当下,珍惜每一秒钟】
8.
"Distance
cannot
separate
us,
for
we
are
united
by
the
memories
we
share.
"
【距离无法隔绝我们,因为我们享有的回忆将永远联结我们】
9.
"The
beauty
of
our
reunion
lies
in
the
realization
that
true
friendships
withstand
the
test
of
time.
"
【相聚之美在于认识到真正的友谊经得住时间考验】
10.
"Life
is
a
journey,
and
our
reunions
are
the
rest
stops
that
bring
us
back
to
the
love
and
warmth
of
our
dearest
friends.
"
【生命是一段旅程,相聚则是带我们回到最亲密的朋友那里寻找爱与温馨的休息站】
11.
"In
the
midst
of
the
chaos
of
life,
the
joy
of
reunion
is
the
calm
that
brings
us
peace.
"
【在生命的喧嚣中,相聚之喜是带给我们平静、温暖的一刻】
12.
"Every
reunion
is
a
reminder
of
the
power
of
love
and
the
strength
of
true
friendships.
"
【每一次相聚都提醒我们爱的力量和真正友谊的力量】
13.
"The
magic
of
our
reunions
lies
in
the
memories
we
create
and
the
stories
we
share.
"
【相聚的魔力在于我们创造的回忆和分享的故事】
14.
"The
distance
between
us
can
only
be
measured
in
miles,
but
the
love
we
share
knows
no
bounds.
"
【我们之间的距离只有几千里,但我们之间的爱无限延伸】
15.
"Let
us
cherish
every
moment
we
have
together,
for
time
is
fleeting
and
our
reunions
are
all
too
rare.
"
【让我们珍惜每一分每一秒的相聚时光,因为时间很短暂,相聚却如此难得】
16.
"The
beauty
of
our
reunions
is
that
we
can
pick
up
right
where
we
left
off,
as
if
no
time
has
passed
at
all.
"
【相聚之美,在于我们可以恢复到之前的时刻,仿佛时间并没有流逝】
17.
"Reunions
remind
us
that
no
matter
where
we
go
or
what
we
do,
the
love
of
our
friends
will
always
be
with
us.
"
【相聚提醒我们,无论我们去哪里,做什么,朋友的爱将永远与我们同在】
18.
"As
we
reunite,
let
us
embrace
the
beauty
of
the
moment
and
let
our
love
shine
bright.
"
【相聚时,让我们拥抱这美好的时刻,让爱散发光芒】
19.
"Distance
can
never
erase
the
memories
we
create
or
the
love
we
share.
"
【距离无法抹去我们的回忆和我们之间的爱】
20.
"Every
reunion
is
a
celebration
of
the
bonds
that
unite
us
and
the
love
that
sustains
us.
"
【每一次相聚都是庆祝我们之间的纽带和我们之间相互支持的爱】