1.
"Sometimes
the
people
who
are
thousand
of
miles
away
from
you,
can
make
you
feel
better
than
the
people
right
beside
you.
"
【情感语录图片伤感聊天壁纸】
2.
"Maybe
the
reason
why
people
give
up
so
fast
is
because
they
tend
to
look
at
how
far
they
still
have
to
go,
instead
of
how
far
they
have
come.
"
【情感语录图片伤感聊天壁纸】
3.
"It's
not
the
goodbye
that
hurts,
it's
the
flashbacks
that
follow.
"
【情感语录图片伤感聊天壁纸】
4.
"Isn't
it
ironic
how
the
people
who
ignore
you
now,
will
one
day
need
you?"
【情感语录图片伤感聊天壁纸】
5.
"Sometimes
you
have
to
accept
the
fact
that
certain
things
will
never
go
back
to
how
they
used
to
be.
"
【情感语录图片伤感聊天壁纸】
6.
"Don't
trust
too
much,
don't
love
too
much,
don't
hope
too
much
because
that
too
much
can
hurt
you
so
much.
"
【情感语录图片伤感聊天壁纸】
7.
"I'm
not
heartless,
I've
just
learned
how
to
use
my
heart
less.
"
【情感语录图片伤感聊天壁纸】
8.
"The
hardest
thing
I've
ever
done
is
walk
away
from
someone
still
love.
"
【情感语录图片伤感聊天壁纸】
9.
"I
wish
could
turn
back
the
clock.
I'd
find
you
sooner
and
love
you
longer.
"
【情感语录图片伤感聊天壁纸】
10.
"The
saddest
thing
about
betrayal
is
that
it
never
comes
from
your
enemies.
"
【情感语录图片伤感聊天壁纸】
11.
"I'm
tired
of
trying,
sick
of
crying,
know
I've
been
smiling,
but
inside
I'm
dying.
"
【情感语录图片伤感聊天壁纸】
12.
"Losing
someone
hurts,
but
losing
yourself
is
even
worse.
"
【情感语录图片伤感聊天壁纸】
13.
"No
matter
how
hard
it
is,
I'll
keep
going
because
giving
up
is
not
an
option.
"
【情感语录图片伤感聊天壁纸】
14.
"I
don't
regret
my
past,
just
regret
the
time
I've
wasted
on
the
wrong
people.
"
【情感语录图片伤感聊天壁纸】
15.
"Sometimes
the
most
painful
smile
is
the
one
that
hides
the
most
pain.
"
【情感语录图片伤感聊天壁纸】
16.
"I
never
knew
how
strong
was
until
had
to
forgive
someone
who
wasn't
sorry,
and
accept
an
apology
never
received.
"
【情感语录图片伤感聊天壁纸】
17.
"They
say
time
heals
all
wounds,
but
don't
think
time
can
heal
the
wounds
that
love
leaves
behind.
"
【情感语录图片伤感聊天壁纸】
18.
"I'm
not
okay,
but
I'll
pretend
am
so
you
won't
have
to
deal
with
me.
"
【情感语录图片伤感聊天壁纸】
19.
"You
can't
force
someone
to
love
you.
All
you
can
do
is
become
someone
who
can
be
loved.
"
【情感语录图片伤感聊天壁纸】
20.
"Sometimes
you
have
to
give
up
on
people,
not
because
you
don't
care,
but
because
they
don't.
"
【情感语录图片伤感聊天壁纸】