1.
"Sometimes,
the
bravest
thing
you
can
do
is
let
go
of
what's
not
meant
for
you.
"
【放下感情】
2.
"The
beauty
of
life
lies
in
its
unpredictability,
and
letting
go
of
what
we
thought
we
wanted
can
lead
to
unexpected
happiness.
"
【放下感情】
3.
"To
hold
onto
something
that's
already
slipped
away
is
to
deprive
yourself
of
the
possibility
of
new
beginnings.
"
【放下感情】
4.
"The
art
of
letting
go
is
not
about
forgetting,
it's
about
finally
being
able
to
remember
without
feeling
hurt.
"
【放下感情】
5.
"Letting
go
doesn't
mean
giving
up,
it
means
accepting
that
some
things
are
beyond
our
control.
"
【放下感情】
6.
"The
greatest
act
of
self-love
is
letting
go
of
what
no
longer
serves
us.
"
【放下感情】
7.
"To
cling
onto
someone
who
doesn't
want
to
be
with
you
is
to
deny
yourself
the
chance
to
find
someone
who
does.
"
【放下感情】
8.
"Sometimes
we
hold
onto
things
for
sentimental
reasons,
but
we
must
learn
to
let
go
and
make
room
for
new
memories.
"
【放下感情】
9.
"It
takes
strength
to
let
go,
but
it
takes
true
courage
to
admit
when
you
need
to.
"
【放下感情】
10.
"When
we
let
go,
we
create
space
for
growth
and
change
within
ourselves.
"
【放下感情】
11.
"Letting
go
is
not
a
sign
of
weakness,
it's
a
demonstration
of
strength
and
self-respect.
"
【放下感情】
12.
"We
cannot
change
the
past,
but
we
can
choose
how
we
move
forward
-
holding
onto
the
pain
or
embracing
the
possibilities.
"
【放下感情】
13.
"Sometimes
we
must
lose
ourselves
to
find
ourselves,
and
letting
go
is
the
first
step
towards
self-discovery.
"
【放下感情】
14.
"We
cannot
control
how
others
feel
or
behave,
but
we
can
control
our
response
to
it
and
choose
to
let
go.
"
【放下感情】
15.
"Holding
onto
the
past
prevents
us
from
fully
experiencing
the
present
and
embracing
what's
yet
to
come.
"
【放下感情】
16.
"The
act
of
letting
go
is
a
process,
and
each
small
step
forward
is
a
victory
towards
healing.
"
【放下感情】
17.
"Letting
go
of
toxic
people
and
relationships
opens
us
up
to
a
world
filled
with
more
positive
influences.
"
【放下感情】
18.
"In
order
to
move
forward,
we
must
learn
from
our
past
but
not
be
chained
to
it.
"
【放下感情】
19.
"Letting
go
can
be
scary,
but
imagine
how
liberating
it
will
feel
once
you
finally
do.
"
【放下感情】
20.
"The
most
important
relationship
we
have
is
the
one
we
have
with
ourselves,
and
letting
go
is
an
act
of
self-care.
"
【放下感情】