1.
"Be
kind
to
others,
and
you'll
receive
the
kindness
in
return.
"
【温柔如水,世界因你而美丽】
2.
"A
gentle
touch
can
heal
a
broken
soul.
"
【温柔的触碰,疗愈伤痕】
3.
"The
greatest
strength
of
a
person
lies
in
their
kindness
towards
others.
"
【温柔的力量,伟大无比】
4.
"Kindness
costs
nothing,
but
it
means
everything
to
someone
in
need.
"
【温柔的付出,收获满满】
5.
"A
smile
is
the
gentlest
weapon
to
win
hearts.
"
【温柔的微笑,攻城略地】
6.
"The
world
needs
more
kindness,
be
the
one
who
spreads
it.
"
【温柔之人,善良之源】
7.
"Treat
yourself
and
others
with
kindness,
it'll
create
a
happier
world.
"
【温柔待己,温柔待人,让世界更美好】
8.
"Kindness
is
the
language
that
the
deaf
can
hear
and
the
blind
can
see.
"
【温柔的语言,无声有力】
9.
"Only
through
kindness
can
we
heal
the
wounds
of
hatred
and
division.
"
【温柔点亮黑暗,化解仇恨纷争】
10.
"The
simplest
act
of
kindness
can
make
the
biggest
impact
on
someone's
life.
"
【温柔之举,影响深远】
11.
"In
a
world
full
of
chaos,
choose
kindness
as
your
guiding
light.
"
【温柔的指引,引领前行】
12.
"A
kind
word
can
change
someone's
entire
day,
choose
your
words
wisely.
"
【温柔的语言,传递温暖】
13.
"Never
underestimate
the
power
of
a
kind
heart,
it
can
change
the
world.
"
【温柔之心,世事之珍】
14.
"Spread
love
and
kindness
wherever
you
go,
it'll
come
back
to
you
in
abundance.
"
【温柔的种子,在你心间播下】
15.
"Kindness
is
never
wasted,
it
always
leaves
a
lasting
impression.
"
【温柔的印记,久远于心】
16.
"When
the
world
seems
harsh,
be
the
one
who
shines
with
kindness.
"
【温柔之光,照亮黑暗】
17.
"A
heart
full
of
love
and
kindness
is
the
most
beautiful
thing
in
the
world.
"
【温柔之心,美丽无瑕】
18.
"The
smallest
act
of
kindness
can
spark
the
greatest
change.
"
【温柔之举,涟漪滚滚】
19.
"Spread
kindness
like
confetti,
let
it
fill
the
streets
and
hearts
of
everyone.
"
【温柔如绸缎,飘散天际】
20.
"Be
kind
to
yourself
and
others,
it's
the
key
to
a
happy
and
fulfilling
life.
"
【温柔之道,幸福之源】