1.
"In
life,
there
is
no
free
lunch.
All
that
is
worth
having
comes
at
a
price.
"
【苦】
2.
"Life
demands
hard
work
and
sacrifice.
There
is
no
escaping
it.
"
【苦】
3.
"Success
is
not
handed
out
on
a
silver
platter.
One
must
grind
and
hustle
to
earn
it.
"
【苦】
4.
"Pleasure
cannot
be
sustained
without
the
occasional
pain
and
discomfort.
"
【苦】
5.
"Life
is
a
constant
battle
between
what
we
want
and
what
we
need.
"
【苦】
6.
"Nothing
worth
having
comes
easy,
and
nothing
easy
is
worth
having.
"
【苦】
7.
"The
road
to
success
is
lined
with
obstacles,
and
the
only
way
to
overcome
them
is
through
grit
and
determination.
"
【苦】
8.
"To
achieve
greatness,
we
must
first
endure
the
struggles
and
setbacks
that
come
with
it.
"
【苦】
9.
"Happiness
is
not
a
destination,
but
a
journey.
And
like
any
journey,
it
requires
effort
and
hard
work.
"
【苦】
10.
"The
strongest
steel
is
forged
in
the
hottest
fire.
Likewise,
our
character
and
resolve
are
tested
in
our
toughest
moments.
"
【苦】
11.
"Patience
is
a
virtue,
but
it
is
also
a
necessity.
Life
rarely
goes
according
to
plan,
and
we
must
learn
to
endure
the
bumps
in
the
road.
"
【苦】
12.
"The
pursuit
of
excellence
requires
discipline,
sacrifice,
and
a
willingness
to
push
beyond
our
comfort
zones.
"
【苦】
13.
"The
road
less
traveled
is
often
the
most
difficult,
but
it
can
also
lead
to
the
greatest
rewards.
"
【苦】
14.
"We
cannot
expect
to
find
fulfillment
and
purpose
without
first
undergoing
trials
and
tribulations.
"
【苦】
15.
"The
strongest
souls
are
those
that
have
been
through
the
greatest
hardships.
"
【苦】
16.
"Life
is
not
fair,
but
it
is
still
worth
living.
We
must
learn
to
accept
the
challenges
that
come
our
way.
"
【苦】
17.
"We
cannot
grow
without
facing
difficulties
and
challenges.
They
are
the
catalysts
for
our
personal
development.
"
【苦】
18.
"The
climb
to
the
top
is
steep
and
rocky,
but
the
view
from
the
summit
is
always
worth
it.
"
【苦】
19.
"We
cannot
control
the
circumstances
we
are
born
into,
but
we
can
control
the
way
we
respond
to
them.
"
【苦】
20.
"Life
may
be
full
of
hardships,
but
it
is
also
full
of
beauty,
wonder,
and
joy.
"
【苦】