1.
"The
sound
of
your
voice
is
like
a
symphony
to
my
ears.
"
【美妙的旋律】
2.
"In
a
world
full
of
noise,
your
voice
is
the
only
sound
want
to
hear.
"
【独一无二的声响】
3.
"Your
voice
is
the
lullaby
that
soothes
my
soul
to
sleep.
"
【哄我入睡的摇篮曲】
4.
"I
could
listen
to
your
voice
for
hours
and
never
get
tired
of
it.
"
【一听就沉迷】
5.
"Your
words
are
like
poetry
that
speaks
to
my
heart.
"
【诗般的语言】
6.
"Your
voice
is
the
calm
in
the
midst
of
my
chaos.
"
【安抚我的混乱】
7.
"The
sound
of
your
laughter
is
like
sunshine
on
a
cloudy
day.
"
【阳光般的欢声笑语】
8.
"Your
voice
is
the
melody
of
my
heart.
"
【心灵的旋律】
9.
"Your
voice
is
the
compass
that
guides
me
through
life's
storms.
"
【指引我走过风雨】
10.
"The
sound
of
your
voice
is
the
sweetest
song
I've
ever
heard.
"
【美妙动听的歌声】
11.
"Your
voice
is
the
light
that
illuminates
my
darkest
days.
"
【照亮我黑暗的光芒】
12.
"Your
words
are
like
a
warm
embrace
that
fills
me
with
comfort
and
love.
"
【温暖抱拥】
13.
"The
sound
of
your
voice
is
the
soundtrack
to
my
life.
"
【人生的配乐】
14.
"Your
voice
is
the
gentle
breeze
that
carries
me
to
peaceful
places.
"
【引领我走向宁静】
15.
"The
sound
of
your
voice
is
the
home
never
knew
needed.
"
【温馨的家】
16.
"Your
voice
is
the
missing
puzzle
piece
that
completes
me.
"
【完美匹配的拼图】
17.
"The
sound
of
your
voice
is
the
serenade
that
steals
my
heart.
"
【打动我心弦的小夜曲】
18.
"Your
voice
is
the
key
that
unlocks
the
door
to
my
soul.
"
【打开灵魂之门的钥匙】
19.
"The
sound
of
your
voice
is
the
ocean
that
washes
away
my
worries.
"
【沁人心脾的海洋】
20.
"Your
voice
is
the
magic
that
makes
my
heart
skip
a
beat.
"
【让我心动的神奇魔力】