1.
gentle
touch
is
all
it
takes
to
soothe
a
troubled
heart.
】
2.
Kindness
and
gentleness
are
qualities
that
can
never
be
overrated.
】
3.
When
the
world
seems
too
harsh,
a
gentle
voice
can
bring
much-needed
comfort.
】
4.
It
takes
a
gentle
spirit
to
truly
understand
the
pain
of
others.
】
5.
gentle
hug
can
make
everything
seem
okay,
even
if
only
for
a
moment.
】
6.
There
is
great
power
in
the
gentleness
of
a
sincere
smile.
】
7.
Speaking
with
a
gentle
tone
can
diffuse
even
the
most
heated
of
situations.
】
8.
gentle
touch
can
heal
wounds
that
go
far
deeper
than
skin.
】
9.
The
world
needs
more
people
who
practice
gentle
love
and
empathy.
】
10.
There
is
nothing
more
beautiful
than
the
gentle
curve
of
a
sincere
smile.
】
11.
The
greatest
strength
is
found
in
those
who
choose
to
approach
life
with
gentle
compassion.
】
12.
Even
in
moments
of
anger
and
frustration,
there
is
value
in
speaking
with
a
gentle
voice.
】
13.
True
love
is
built
on
a
foundation
of
gentle
kindness
and
respect.
】
14.
gentle
word
at
the
right
moment
can
change
the
course
of
someone's
day.
】
15.
gentle
heart
and
critical
mind
can
achieve
great
things.
】
16.
When
the
world
seems
to
lack
compassion,
we
must
strive
to
be
the
gentle
force
that
changes
things
for
the
better.
】
17.
gentle
reminder
can
sometimes
be
all
it
takes
to
refocus
our
priorities.
】
18.
The
most
powerful
force
in
the
universe
is
the
gentle
touch
of
a
mother's
hand.
】
19.
Listening
with
a
gentle
ear
is
a
true
gift
to
those
who
need
to
be
heard.
】
20.
Let
us
strive
to
approach
ourselves
and
others
with
gentle
eyes
and
a
gentle
heart.
】