1.
"In
wine,
there
is
truth.
"
-
Pliny
the
Elder
【喝酒见人心】
2.
"The
sadness
will
last
forever.
"
-
Vincent
van
Gogh
【伤感悲欢离合时】
3.
"I
have
measured
out
my
life
with
coffee
spoons.
"
-
T.
S.
Eliot
【用酒精计量生命】
4.
"I
am
not
what
happened
to
me,
am
what
choose
to
become.
"
-
Carl
Jung
【饮酒寄情,不被人生改变】
5.
"Sometimes
the
heart
sees
what
is
invisible
to
the
eye.
"
-
H.
Jackson
Brown,
Jr.
【酒后泪眼红心伤】
6.
"It's
not
what
you
look
at
that
matters,
it's
what
you
see.
"
-
Henry
David
Thoreau
【饮酒过后,看世界更真实】
7.
"Be
yourself;
everyone
else
is
already
taken.
"
-
Oscar
Wilde
【喝酒解嘲,做最真实的自己】
8.
"The
best
way
to
predict
your
future
is
to
create
it.
"
-
Abraham
Lincoln
【以酒杯为笔,书写美好未来】
9.
"Life
is
either
a
daring
adventure
or
nothing
at
all.
"
-
Helen
Keller
【喝酒不是嗜好,而是生命的冒险】
10.
"All
that
we
see
or
seem
is
but
a
dream
within
a
dream.
"
-
Edgar
Allan
Poe
【酒醉花间,何时归去?】
11.
"The
only
impossible
journey
is
the
one
you
never
begin.
"
-
Anthony
Robbins
【举杯共饮,人生的旅程才刚刚开始】
12.
"The
only
way
to
do
great
work
is
to
love
what
you
do.
"
-
Steve
Jobs
【喝酒的人,时刻不忘热爱生活】
13.
"Believe
you
can
and
you're
halfway
there.
"
-
Theodore
Roosevelt
【喝酒的力量,带你走向未来】
14.
"Happiness
is
not
something
ready-made.
It
comes
from
your
own
actions.
"
-
Dalai
Lama
【幸福来源于内心,酒是陪伴,不是解法】
15.
"Life
is
a
journey,
and
if
you
fall
in
love
with
the
journey,
you
will
be
in
love
forever.
"
-
Peter
Hagerty
【饮酒一杯,忆起那些年的美好时光】
16.
"I
have
found
that
if
you
love
life,
life
will
love
you
back.
"
-
Arthur
Rubinstein
【享受酒足饭饱的人生,让你得到更多的回报】
17.
"The
only
true
wisdom
is
in
knowing
you
know
nothing.
"
-
Socrates
【饮酒不是为了证明自己的知识,而是为了沉淀心灵】
18.
"Nothing
can
dim
the
light
which
shines
from
within.
"
-
Maya
Angelou
【兼容并包,酒中自有灵光】
19.
"Life
is
like
a
camera.
Focus
on
the
good
times,
develop
from
the
negatives,
and
if
things
don't
work
out,
take
another
shot.
"
-
Ziad
K.
Abdelnour
【享受酒带来的快乐,欣赏生命中的美好时光】
20.
"Life
is
10%
what
happens
to
us
and
90%
how
we
react
to
it.
"
-
Charles
R.
Swindoll
【饮酒改变的不是生活,而是挑战自己的态度】