1.
我心底的情感仿佛是巨浪,愈加汹涌澎湃不停。
【Love
is
a
giant
wave
that
engulfs
my
heart.
】
2.
时光一去不复返,留给我们的都是回忆。
【Time
never
comes
back,
all
we
have
left
are
memories.
】
3.
最美的风景是你,与你的共处让我感受到了真正的幸福。
【You
are
the
most
beautiful
scenery,
and
being
with
you
brings
true
happiness.
】
4.
爱是一场旅程,旅途虽漫长但值得拥有。
【Love
is
a
journey,
a
long
one,
but
it's
worth
it.
】
5.
我想要牵着你的手,和你一起走过这一生的每一个路口。
【I
want
to
hold
your
hand
and
go
through
every
road
in
this
life
together
with
you.
】
6.
当我见到你时,时间静止了,所有的幸福都凝聚在了这一刻。
【When
see
you,
time
stands
still
and
all
the
happiness
is
gathered
in
this
moment.
】
7.
每一个来时的人,都是我们生命中的一抹迷人风景。
【Every
person
who
comes
into
our
life
is
a
charming
scenery.
】
8.
我的心总是在你那里,无法自拔,因为你是我无法舍弃的唯一。
【My
heart
is
always
with
you,
can't
help
it,
because
you
are
the
only
one
can't
give
up.
】
9.
时光流转,我们的爱却一直在继续着。
【Time
goes
by,
but
our
love
keeps
going.
】
10.
我的内心深处有着一份强烈的愿望,是想一直守护和与你在一起。
【In
my
heart
there
is
a
strong
desire
to
protect
you
and
be
with
you
forever.
】
11.
有你在身边,我会感到无所畏惧,因为你是我最可靠的后盾。
【With
you
by
my
side,
feel
fearless,
because
you
are
my
most
reliable
support.
】
12.
我发誓,无论发生什么,永远爱着你。
【I
swear,
no
matter
what
happens,
will
always
love
you.
】
13.
爱本身就是一种勇气,能够让我们面对一切。
【Love
itself
is
a
kind
of
courage,
it
can
make
us
face
everything.
】
14.
曾经的梦想,现在已经变成了人生的珍宝。
【The
dream
of
the
past
has
become
the
treasure
of
life
now.
】
15.
在你的怀抱里,我感到最温暖和最放松,就好像史诗般的爱情故事。
【In
your
arms,
feel
the
warmest
and
most
relaxed,
like
an
epic
love
story.
】
16.
有时候,感情需要的只是一份真心和不离不弃的承诺。
【Sometimes,
all
love
needs
is
sincerity
and
a
promise
of
unchanging
commitment.
】
17.
你的眼神,让我感受到了深深的爱意,让我明白你是我唯一的归宿。
【Your
gaze
makes
me
feel
your
deep
love,
and
lets
me
know
that
you
are
my
only
destination.
】
18.
爱情,无需言语,只需用心去感受。
【Love
doesn't
need
words,
just
feel
it
with
your
heart.
】
19.
每一个心愿都渴望成真,唯独这个心愿我愿意永远珍藏。
【Every
wish
hopes
to
come
true,
but
this
wish
would
like
to
keep
forever.
】
20.
爱情本身就如同一首美妙的歌曲,在我们的生命中缓缓流淌。
【Love
itself
is
like
a
wonderful
song,
gently
flowing
in
our
lives.
】