1.
"When
words
fail,
prayer
becomes
our
refuge.
"
【#prayer】
2.
"Tears
are
prayers
too.
They
travel
to
God
when
we
can't
speak.
"
【#tears】
3.
"Prayer
is
not
asking.
It
is
a
longing
of
the
soul.
"
【#longing】
4.
"In
every
hardship,
let
prayer
be
your
comfort.
"
【#hardship】
5.
"The
power
of
prayer
is
greater
than
any
earthly
force.
"
【#power】
6.
"Through
prayer,
we
find
strength
in
weakness.
"
【#strength】
7.
"When
we
pray,
we
invite
God
into
our
situations.
"
【#God】
8.
"Prayer
is
a
conversation
with
the
divine.
"
【#divine】
9.
"Sometimes
the
best
thing
to
do
is
to
pray
and
let
go.
"
【#letgo】
10.
"Prayer
is
not
a
last
resort,
it
is
a
first
response.
"
【#firstresponse】
11.
"No
prayer
too
small,
no
prayer
too
big.
God
hears
them
all.
"
【#Godhears】
12.
"Prayer
is
a
reminder
that
we
are
not
alone.
"
【#notalone】
13.
"With
every
prayer,
let
there
be
faith
and
hope.
"
【#faithandhope】
14.
"Prayer
is
not
changing
God's
mind.
It
is
aligning
our
will
with
His.
"
【#alignment】
15.
"Prayer
is
not
just
about
asking,
it's
also
about
listening.
"
【#listening】
16.
"Prayer
reveals
the
heart
of
the
one
who
prays.
"
【#heart】
17.
"In
prayer,
we
find
peace
in
the
midst
of
chaos.
"
【#peace】
18.
"Prayer
is
not
a
magic
formula,
it's
a
posture
of
the
heart.
"
【#posture】
19.
"Prayer
is
not
an
escape
from
reality,
it's
a
way
to
face
it
with
courage.
"
【#courage】
20.
"With
every
prayer,
let
gratitude
be
our
attitude.
"
【#gratitude】