1.
Be
gentle
with
yourself;
you
are
doing
the
best
you
can.
【温柔一点,你已经尽力了。
】
2.
Remember
that
your
feelings
are
valid
and
deserve
to
be
acknowledged.
【不要忘记,你的情感是重要和值得被认可的。
】
3.
Believe
in
your
ability
to
overcome
any
obstacles.
【相信你有能力克服任何障碍。
】
4.
Your
kindness
and
empathy
are
not
weaknesses,
but
strengths.
【你的善良和同理心不是弱点,而是优势。
】
5.
Keep
your
head
up
and
your
heart
open.
【抬起头,心怀敞开。
】
6.
Every
storm
eventually
passes;
hold
on
and
have
faith.
【每场风暴终有结束,坚持并有信心。
】
7.
Embrace
your
imperfections;
they
make
you
unique
and
beautiful.
【拥抱你的不完美,它们让你独一无二而美丽。
】
8.
Allow
yourself
to
feel
vulnerable,
for
it
takes
courage
to
be
authentic.
【允许自己感到脆弱,因为真实和勇气是相伴而行的。
】
9.
Lift
others
up,
for
kindness
is
contagious.
【给别人力量,因为善良是具有传染性的。
】
10.
Your
mistakes
do
not
define
you;
learn
from
them
and
move
forward.
【你的错误不代表你的全部,从中吸取教训并向前走。
】
11.
Appreciate
the
small
joys
in
life;
they
add
up
to
the
big
picture.
【欣赏生命中的小乐趣,它们将汇聚成宏伟的画卷。
】
12.
Love
yourself
first,
for
you
cannot
pour
from
an
empty
cup.
【先爱自己,因为倒空的杯子不能倾斜。
】
13.
Do
not
be
afraid
to
dream
big,
for
greatness
awaits.
【不要害怕有大志向,伟大正等待着你。
】
14.
Practice
gratitude,
for
it
shifts
your
perspective
and
brings
abundance.
【感恩的实践可以改变你的视角,带来丰盈。
】
15.
You
are
capable
of
achieving
anything
you
set
your
mind
to.
【你有能力实现你心中的所有梦想。
】
16.
Fill
your
life
with
positivity,
for
it
attracts
positivity
back.
【你的生命充满正能量,正能量也会回馈你。
】
17.
Focus
on
progress,
not
perfection.
【追求进步,而非完美。
】
18.
Success
is
not
about
having
it
all;
it's
about
finding
joy
in
the
journey.
【成功不是拥有一切,而是在旅途中找到快乐。
】
19.
Let
go
of
what
no
longer
serves
you,
and
make
room
for
what
does.
【放下那些不再有益你的事物,为有益的事物腾出空间。
】
20.
Remember
that
you
are
loved
and
worthy
of
love.
【记住,你被爱着,也值得被爱。
】