1.
You
may
not
realize
it,
but
sometimes
the
person
who
always
makes
you
smile
is
actually
the
one
who's
hurting
the
most.
【扎心语录伤感动画】
2.
The
problem
with
love
is,
the
person
you
love
doesn't
always
love
you
back.
【扎心语录伤感动画】
3.
The
hardest
thing
to
do
is
watch
the
one
you
love,
love
someone
else.
【扎心语录伤感动画】
4.
Sometimes,
the
best
love
stories
are
the
ones
that
end
in
heartbreak.
【扎心语录伤感动画】
5.
The
saddest
thing
about
love
is
that
not
all
of
us
find
it,
and
not
all
of
us
keep
it.
【扎心语录伤感动画】
6.
Love
and
life
are
both
unpredictable
-
but
while
we
can
plan
our
lives,
we
can
never
fully
control
our
hearts.
【扎心语录伤感动画】
7.
The
worst
feeling
is
falling
in
love
with
someone
who
doesn't
love
you
back
-
but
the
second
worst
feeling
is
realizing
they
never
did.
【扎心语录伤感动画】
8.
Sometimes,
the
only
way
to
truly
move
on
is
to
let
go
of
the
past
-
even
if
it
means
letting
go
of
the
person
you
love.
【扎心语录伤感动画】
9.
Life
is
like
a
rollercoaster
-
it
has
its
ups
and
downs,
twists
and
turns,
but
you
just
have
to
hold
on
and
enjoy
the
ride.
【扎心语录伤感动画】
10.
They
say
time
heals
all
wounds,
but
what
if
time
only
dulls
the
pain
-
and
the
memories
still
hurt
just
as
much?
【扎心语录伤感动画】
11.
Moving
on
doesn't
mean
forgetting
someone
-
it
means
accepting
that
they're
no
longer
a
part
of
your
life.
【扎心语录伤感动画】
12.
Love
is
a
gamble
-
sometimes
you
win
big,
and
sometimes
you
lose
it
all.
【扎心语录伤感动画】
13.
It's
hard
to
let
go
of
someone
when
they
were
the
reason
you
were
holding
on
for
so
long.
【扎心语录伤感动画】
14.
You
never
know
what
you
have
until
it's
gone
-
and
sometimes,
it's
gone
forever.
【扎心语录伤感动画】
15.
Love
is
a
journey
-
with
unexpected
twists
and
turns,
and
no
map
to
guide
you.
【扎心语录伤感动画】
16.
When
love
ends,
it's
not
the
memories
that
hurt
-
it's
the
emptiness
where
they
used
to
be.
【扎心语录伤感动画】
17.
Sometimes,
the
best
way
to
love
someone
is
to
let
them
go
-
even
if
it
means
losing
them
forever.
【扎心语录伤感动画】
18.
It's
hard
to
move
on
when
the
person
you
want
to
move
on
from
is
the
person
you
can't
live
without.
【扎心语录伤感动画】
19.
Love
is
like
a
rose
-
beautiful
and
fragile,
but
if
you're
not
careful,
it
can
hurt
you
with
its
thorns.
【扎心语录伤感动画】
20.
The
strongest
people
are
the
ones
who
have
been
through
the
most
heartbreak
and
come
out
on
the
other
side
still
fighting.
【扎心语录伤感动画】