1.
"The
pain
of
yesterday
is
the
strength
of
today.
"
【#strength】
2.
"We
learn
to
live
with
the
scars,
but
they
still
hurt.
"
【#scars】
3.
"Love
is
not
a
feeling,
it's
a
choice
we
make
every
day.
"
【#love】
4.
"Sometimes,
it's
hard
not
to
feel
like
the
universe
is
against
you.
"
【#universe】
5.
"The
hardest
part
of
moving
on
is
accepting
that
the
other
person
already
did.
"
【#movingon】
6.
"The
silence
between
two
people
who
used
to
talk
every
day
is
the
loudest
sound.
"
【#silence】
7.
"When
you
let
go
of
what
you
thought
should
have
happened,
you
make
space
for
what
could.
"
【#letgo】
8.
"The
worst
feeling
in
the
world
is
knowing
you
did
everything
you
could,
and
it
still
wasn't
enough.
"
【#notenough】
9.
"Truth
is,
you're
not
over
someone
until
you
stop
seeing
them
in
everything.
"
【#notoverit】
10.
"We
hide
our
pain
behind
fake
smiles,
but
our
eyes
always
reveal
the
truth.
"
【#fake】
11.
"Sometimes,
the
only
way
to
find
peace
is
to
let
go
of
the
things
that
are
hurting
you.
"
【#peace】
12.
"Even
the
brightest
stars
have
dark
days.
"
【#brightstars】
13.
"Every
goodbye
makes
you
stronger,
every
heartbreak
makes
you
wiser.
"
【#goodbye】
14.
"You
realize
you've
been
holding
onto
something
that
doesn't
exist
anymore,
and
that's
when
you
know
it's
time
to
let
go.
"
【#letgo】
15.
"The
irony
of
love
is
loving
the
person
who
doesn't
love
you
back.
"
【#irony】
16.
"We
all
have
that
one
person
we
never
got
over,
but
life
goes
on
and
we
learn
to
live
without
them.
"
【#neverover】
17.
"Sometimes,
the
most
painful
thing
is
hearing
the
truth
you
already
knew.
"
【#truth】
18.
"Letting
go
doesn't
mean
you
don't
care,
it
just
means
you're
tired
of
holding
on.
"
【#holdingon】
19.
"The
most
important
thing
in
life
is
to
be
able
to
laugh
through
the
tears.
"
【#laughter】
20.
"It's
amazing
how
much
can
change
in
a
year,
but
it's
even
more
amazing
how
much
can
stay
the
same.
"
【#change】