1.
Love
is
not
logical,
it's
emotional.
【#LoveIsEmotional】
2.
Our
heart
doesn't
follow
rules
of
the
brain.
【#HeartOverBrain】
3.
Love
is
not
a
product
of
reasoning,
it's
a
product
of
the
heart.
【#ProductOfTheHeart】
4.
Love
is
an
inexplicable
feeling
that
defies
all
logic.
【#DefiesLogic】
5.
Rationality
and
love
are
like
oil
and
water,
they
don't
mix.
【#OilAndWater】
6.
The
more
we
try
to
make
love
logical,
the
more
it
slips
away.
【#SlipsAway】
7.
Love
is
not
a
game
you
can
win
by
using
strategic
thinking.
【#NotAGame】
8.
Logic
can't
explain
why
we
fall
in
love
with
someone.
【#FallInLove】
9.
Love
is
a
feeling
that
can't
be
quantified
or
measured
by
logic.
【#Can'tBeQuantified】
10.
Trying
to
rationalize
love
is
like
trying
to
explain
the
beauty
of
a
sunset
with
words.
【#BeautyOfSunset】
11.
Love
is
a
leap
of
faith,
not
a
calculation
of
probabilities.
【#LeapOfFaith】
12.
The
moment
you
try
to
make
sense
of
love,
it
loses
its
magic.
【#LosesMagic】
13.
Love
is
illogical,
but
that's
what
makes
it
beautiful.
【#BeautifullyIllogical】
14.
Love
is
not
about
what
makes
sense,
but
what
makes
your
heart
sing.
【#WhatMakesYourHeartSing】
15.
Love
is
not
a
science,
it's
an
art.
【#NotAScience】
16.
The
heart
wants
what
it
wants,
and
it
doesn't
care
about
logic.
【#HeartWantsWhatItWants】
17.
Logic
can't
comprehend
the
depth
and
intensity
of
love.
【#Can'tComprehend】
18.
Love
is
blind
to
rationality,
but
it
sees
the
person
behind
it
all.
【#BlindToRationality】
19.
Love
is
a
feeling
that
defies
reason,
but
it's
worth
it.
【#WorthIt】
20.
The
best
things
in
life
are
often
the
ones
that
are
not
rational,
and
love
is
one
of
them.
【#BestThingsInLife】