1.
"Excuse
me
while
take
a
moment
to
disconnect
from
the
digital
world.
"【#focusmodeon】
2.
"Silence
is
a
precious
commodity,
let's
not
waste
it
on
mindless
scrolling.
"
【#mindfulnessmatters】
3.
"My
phone
may
be
in
my
hand
but
my
mind
is
in
a
different
realm.
"
【#mentalbreak】
4.
"Social
media-free
zone.
Keep
calm
and
carry
on.
"
【#unplugged】
5.
"A
little
peace
and
quiet
goes
a
long
way.
Let's
respect
each
other's
need
for
it.
"
【#begrateful】
6.
"Be
present.
Be
mindful.
Be
offline.
"
【#livelifenow】
7.
"When
in
doubt,
mute
it
out.
"
【#nomoredistractions】
8.
"Quiet
minds
create
great
things.
Let's
embrace
the
stillness.
"
【#creativityunplugged】
9.
"Sorry,
can't
hear
you
over
the
sound
of
my
inner
peace.
"
【#happyspace】
10.
"Let's
take
a
moment
to
disconnect
from
the
noise
and
reconnect
with
ourselves.
"
【#findingbalance】
11.
"The
world
can
wait.
My
peace
of
mind
cannot.
"
【#simplerthings】
12.
"Just
taking
some
time
to
recharge
and
reconnect
with
what
matters
most.
"
【#selfcarefirst】
13.
"Not
ignoring
you,
just
prioritizing
my
peace
of
mind.
"
【#takethetime】
14.
"Less
time
spent
online,
more
time
spent
living.
"
【#offlinefornow】
15.
"I'm
not
ignoring
you,
I'm
just
intentionally
tuning
out
the
noise.
"
【#focusedmind】
16.
"Disconnect
to
reconnect.
It's
time
to
unplug.
"
【#digitaldetox】
17.
"Sorry,
missed
your
text.
was
busy
enjoying
my
own
company.
"
【#solitudeisbliss】
18.
"When
in
doubt,
go
offline
and
enjoy
the
beauty
of
the
present
moment.
"
【#stopandsmelltheroses】
19.
"Taking
a
break
from
the
chaos
of
technology
and
embracing
the
calm
of
nature.
"
【#digitalfreedom】
20.
"Busy
being
present.
Please
don't
disturb.
"
【#livinginthemoment】