1.
Sometimes
letting
go
is
the
bravest
thing
you
can
do.
【放下爱情句子短句英文】
2.
Holding
onto
someone
who
doesn't
love
you
back
only
prolongs
the
pain.
【放下爱情句子短句英文】
3.
Love
yourself
enough
to
walk
away
from
what
isn't
healthy.
【放下爱情句子短句英文】
4.
Putting
yourself
first
is
not
selfish,
it's
necessary
for
your
own
well-being.
【放下爱情句子短句英文】
5.
Sometimes
the
person
you
need
to
let
go
of
is
the
person
you
never
thought
you'd
live
without.
【放下爱情句子短句英文】
6.
It's
better
to
have
loved
and
lost
than
to
cling
to
something
that
wasn't
meant
to
be.
【放下爱情句子短句英文】
7.
Holding
onto
a
toxic
relationship
only
leads
to
more
heartache
and
pain.
【放下爱情句子短句英文】
8.
The
longer
you
hold
onto
something
that's
not
meant
to
be,
the
harder
it
is
to
let
go.
【放下爱情句子短句英文】
9.
Sometimes
the
hardest
part
of
letting
go
is
forgiving
yourself
for
holding
on
for
too
long.
【放下爱情句子短句英文】
10.
You
deserve
a
love
that
doesn't
require
you
to
sacrifice
your
own
happiness.
【放下爱情句子短句英文】
11.
Letting
go
is
not
giving
up,
it's
accepting
that
some
things
are
beyond
your
control.
【放下爱情句子短句英文】
12.
The
pain
of
holding
onto
a
love
that's
not
meant
to
be
far
outweighs
the
pain
of
letting
go.
【放下爱情句子短句英文】
13.
Sometimes
you
have
to
let
go
of
what's
weighing
you
down
to
soar
higher
than
you
ever
imagined.
【放下爱情句子短句英文】
14.
The
only
thing
holding
you
back
from
a
better
future
is
your
determination
to
hold
onto
the
past.
【放下爱情句子短句英文】
15.
Letting
go
doesn't
mean
you
don't
care,
it
just
means
you're
putting
your
own
well-being
first.
【放下爱情句子短句英文】
16.
You
don't
need
someone
who
only
loves
you
when
it's
convenient
for
them.
【放下爱情句子短句英文】
17.
Letting
go
of
a
toxic
relationship
is
not
a
failure,
it's
a
success
in
self-preservation.
【放下爱情句子短句英文】
18.
Don't
allow
someone
who
doesn't
love
you
to
occupy
the
space
reserved
for
someone
who
does.
【放下爱情句子短句英文】
19.
The
sooner
you
let
go
of
what's
not
meant
for
you,
the
sooner
you'll
find
what
is.
【放下爱情句子短句英文】
20.
You
are
not
weak
for
letting
go,
you
are
strong
for
choosing
to
put
yourself
first.
【放下爱情句子短句英文】